Abundance Necklace Crystal Healing



Enjoy an expansive feeling of abundance, which helps you attract more Wealth, with the Abundance Crystal Healing Necklace by Jelila. It includes Citrine - the vibration of cash, Carnelian which attracts opportunity to you, Red Agate which brings things into reality.

Programmed to Expand your Luck and Opportunity as you wear it, and help you Attract More Wealth and Abundance.

'I love my Jelila Crystal healing Necklaces! I wear them every day to feel good and wouldn't be without them now!'

'I find that energy starts to move when I wear my Abundance Necklace and it helps relieve stuckness'.

10 Year Guarantee against Breakage.
Blow on your Crystal Healing Necklace regularly to release absorbed negativity.

'I find it great to be able to return my Jelila Crystal Healing Necklaces and Bracelets any time they break - and to find out from Jelila what the pattern was that I broke, too!'

Adjustable - pull button through loop to adjust and wear the 'dangler' in 3 ways! Look good - feel good! One strand (3 Necklaces are shown in the image with the girl's face).

Watch my video, explaining the 3 ways to wear it: https://jelila.wordpress.com/crystals/#ABUNDVID

Jelila says 'Wear my Abundance Crystal Healing Necklace when you want to Expand - for example, on that day when you have special presentation to make, or are visiting your bank manager for a loan to expand your business!'

Comes with Organza Bag and Info Leaflet.

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Abundance Necklace and Bracelet Set, includes a discount: http://jelilahealing.storenvy.com/products/6288628-abundance-set-crystal-healing
Matching Pendant 'Life Cycle Dude' for Abundance available separately: http://bit.ly/LifeCyD

Matching Bracelet: http://bit.ly/AbundaB

Use my Crystals Book: The Power of Crystals book by Jelila explains how to use all her Crystal Healing Necklaces for personal wellbeing or healing others, available in this store as a print book: http://bit.ly/PofCBk

Also available on Amazon/Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/author/jelila

Jelila says 'About cleansing your crystals - simply blowing on them is a quick way to cleanse, so you can cleanse more often - which you need to do every few days, as crystals will absorb a lot of your negativity and you need to release it! Of course, you can still do a full moon cleanse as well, if you wish - though this is not essential when you use my easy blowing method to cleanse your crystals.'

More Information: www.jelila.com
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