Biohacking Healing Journey - in Ubud



Biohacking Healing Journey is a recorded, guided, individual healing experience in Ubud, Bali, with vibrational technology, chakra lights, specially programmed crystals, Light Language song, beautiful singing, and a vocal track that completely guides you to deeply relax and reeset your nervous system.

It is not a meditation, it is a guided intuitive healing experience.

We will be in touch, once you place your order.

During the experience in our specially designed healing space in central Ubud, Bali, you may enter a kind of trance, or even feel that you ‘go away’ all together, enabling your body to deeply relax and completely reset your nervous system, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and peaceful.

You may feel a little emotional after, as with any healing experience, as some of your your limiting beliefs, blocks, and emotional issues will be addressed and released during the relaxing, harmonising experience, which is designed by a top spiritual healer and a biohacking expert in collaboration.

What people say: ‘I loved your singing!’, ‘so relaxing’, ‘like a deeper meditation’, ‘I went away’, ‘I saw colours’, ‘I feel so peaceful now’, ‘I saw a dream’, I would do it again, yes’.

The experience includes the beautiful sound-healing song of Jelila.

Book online at our website for more info or DM +6281339561271 to chat and for queries.

You can pay here, or in our store near n Ubud, Credit Cards Accepted.

2 person Journey together, is also available.


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